Monday, February 28, 2011

What is Acrylic Acid?

Acrylic acid was first discovered by German chemist, Josef Redtenbacher. It is produced by both marine algae and also in the rumen fluid of sheep. It is a clear and colorless liquid which also is corrosive. Its molar mass is 72 g/mol, its melting point is 14 degrees Celsius, its boiling point is 141 degrees Celsius and its density is 1.049 g/ml. Acrylic acid polymerizes easily when exposed to heat, light or metals so whenever it is used in production of other objects, a polymerization inhibitor is added to the acrylic acid for storage. Although widely used in production of plastic and other manufactured products, while in the presence of the liquid, human eyes, skin, and mucous membranes are irritated, but luckily it has not been classified as a carcinogen, or a cancer causing agent.

An image of what acrylic acid actually looks like.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your blog met most of the requirements however a little more could have been done to make the appearance more attracting. The pictures are accurate and so is the polarity and the intermolecular forces acting on it. I thought the ad was convincing as well, you used a lot of detail which I liked.

  3. Andrew, I really like the appearance of your blog because of the color scheme. It really keeps me interested! From my knowledge, the arrows on your picture of your molecule are completely accurate and the way the atoms are assembled is accurate. From close examination of your picture, I can say that I agree with it being a polar molecule. Your explanation of why is spot on. In addition, the intermolecular forces affecting you molecule are right too. I can tell you put in a lot of time and effort into figuring out all these forces acting between two of your molecules because of the way you explain why each one is self-evident. I am a huge fan of furniture and want to be an owner of a furniture store when I get older so sign me up for 100 bottles of Acrylic Acid! Your ad really intrigued me and I will definitely be a long time customer. Great job on your blog as a whole. You will make Mrs. Fontaine proud.

  4. The overall appearance of your blog comes across as very aesthetically pleasing; the background evokes a sense that the blog is of relation to science, and the format of the entries is neat, clear, and perfect for easy reading. Also, you correctly identified the intermolecular forces and explained them well, while also having the correct polar identification. In addition, the pictures were accurate, and I thought it was good that you put in two different forms for the 3-D model. The ad was convincing, too, although it could have used more formatting, to make the product seem more enticing. Overall, though, this is an excellent blog with no overwhelming detracting factors.

  5. The information is very engaging. Thanks for this blog. Acrylic Dubai
